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Digwyddiadau SSCE Cymru sydd ar ddod SSCE Cymru drop-in sessions JUNE

SSCE Cymru drop-in sessions JUNE

1/06/2024 30/06/2024

Each month SSCE Cymru host a series of informal one-hour drop-in sessions focusing on specific themes. Come along to any of the sessions that interest you, where members of the SSCE Cymru team will share relevant information, promote resources, coordinate discussions, answer your questions and create opportunities for collaboration.

See the timetable for May and joining instructions below.

NOTE: if you'd like to converses in Welsh during the drop-in session, please contact in advance so we can ensure this can be facilitated.

Drop-in session themes

Armed Forces Friendly Schools (AFFS) Cymru

Led by the SSCE Cymru School Liaison Officers, these drop-in sessions will help schools in Wales understand how they can understand the experiences of Service children, engage with the Armed Forces community and embed support for Service children by working towards achieving your AFFS Cymru bronze, silver and then gold status. We will provide an overview of the requirements, share examples of good practice and answer questions to help you understand how to implement items on the checklist.

Service children voice

Led by the SSCE Cymru Participation Lead Officer, these drop-in sessions will help schools in Wales understand how they can listen to Service children in order to support them in the most effective way. We will help you understand the importance of actively listening to your Service children, share examples of good practice, discuss opportunities for Service children ambassadors and support you in setting up a Little Troopers club (Primary) or Forces Life club (Secondary).

Funding for supporting Service children

Led by the SSCE Cymru Programme Manager, these drop-in sessions are available to support schools and local authorities in Wales with accessing funding to support Service children in education. We will raise awareness of relevant grant funding streams, share examples of good practice, answer questions, promote resources and discuss collaboration opportunities.

Local Authority Action Plan

Led by the SSCE Cymru School Liaison Officers, these drop-in sessions are available to support local authorities in Wales with implementing their Local Authority Action Plan (LA AP), which has been developed during the MOD Local Authority Partnership (LAP) group meeting. We will share examples of good practice, answer questions, and discuss collaboration opportunities.

SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit

Led by the SSCE Cymru School Liaison Officers, in collaboration with the SCiP Alliance Engagement Manager, these drop-in sessions will help schools in Wales understand how to use the SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit and other resources. We will provide an overview of the Toolkit, share examples of good practice, explain how the Toolkit links to the Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru status and answer questions to help you understand how to utilise these resources.

Armed Forces Day

Led by the SSCE Cymru School Liaison Officers, these drop-in sessions are available for education settings in Wales to join discussions about participating in Armed Forces Day. We will share some examples of celebrating Service children's experiences, suggest ways tot engage with your Armed Forces community and share ideas of how to get creative and celebrate in the lead up to Armed Forces Day in June.


Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th
  14:00 Local Authority Action Plan 10:00 Armed Forces Day   10:00 Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru
Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th
10:00 Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru        
Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st
14:00 Armed Forces Day

10:00 Service children voice

14:00 Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru

10:00 Funding for supporting Service children

15:00 Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru

10:00 LA Action Plan

14:00 SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit

Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th

10:00 Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru

14:00 Service children voice

  14:00 Armed Forces Friendly Schools Cymru  


Joining instructions

To join one of the above drop-in sessions, simply click on the link at the time that the meeting is due to take place.

Or, to add the drop-in session to your digital calendar, follow these simple steps:

1. Right click on the event name/time above that you'd like to attend

2. Click 'Copy link'

3. Open up your digital calendar (i.e. Microsoft Teams)

4. Schedule a new appointment / new meeting for the date and time the drop-in session is scheduled

5. Title the appointment / meeting (e.g. "SSCE Cymru drop-in session AFFS Cymru")

6. In the main body, right click and paste the meeting link

7. At the scheduled time, click the link to join the drop-in session.


Please send any queries to 


Dyfyniadau Plant Milwyr

"Gynted ag ydych yn dod i arfer i dŷ, rydych yn cael eich symud – rwyf wedi bod mewn pedair ysgol ac wedi symud chwech gwaith."


"Roeddwn i’n byw yn Nepal, yna aethom i Brunei, yna Malaysia."


"Drwy fy llygaid i mae gennych gannoedd o ffrindiau mewn llefydd gwahanol."


"Dwi di arfer symud rŵan a chymysgu gyda’r plant... Dwi di neud o gymaint o weithiau mae’n rhywbeth arferol rŵan."


"Mae’n iawn siarad dros skype a phethau felly ond weithiau ti jyst eisiau cwtsh pan mae Dad i ffwrdd."


"Dwi di mwynhau mynd o amgylch llawer o lefydd o amgylch y byd, mae’n anturus ac yn gyffrous."


"Mae bod yn rhan o’r fyddin fel bod yn rhan o deulu."


"Mae mam wedi prynu bwrdd sialc ac mae’n dweud sawl noson o gwsg arno, pob munud mae’n dod yn agosach iddo ddod adref."


"Dwi ddim eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad... Dwi eisiau iddo gael dyrchafiad ond dwi ddim eisiau gadael."


"Efallai y bydda i’n mynd i ysgol breswyl fel nad wyf yn newid ysgol bob yn ail flwyddyn."


"Dwi di bod mewn saith ysgol wahanol; dwi heb aros mewn un ysgol ddigon hir."


"Mae wedi bod i ffwrdd am chwe mis ac yna mae yn ôl am bythefnos, yna mae’n mynd i ffwrdd eto."


"Roedd fy rhieni yn y Fyddin. Roedd mam yn nyrs ac aeth dad i Afghanistan. 'Do ni’m yn deall yn iawn be' oedd o’n neud a deud y gwir ond ar ôl i mi ffeindio allan o ni’n meddwl "diolch byth bod o wedi dod adre’n saff.'"


"Mi wnaeth o lofnodi i adael yr wythnos ddiwetha’, felly mi fydd o wedi gadael erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn yma. Mae o wedi bod i mewn ers 24 o flynyddoedd. Fydd o’n well i mi achos mi fydd o o gwmpas lot mwy. Mae o’n hoffi’n gwylio ni’n chwarae rygbi felly mi fydd o’n gallu dod i’n gweld ni’n fwy aml"


"Dwi’n mynd i rywle hollol newydd. Dydyn nhw’m yn gwybod dim amdana’i felly mae’n ddechrau newydd ac yn beth da iawn i mi."


"Nes i symud i Gymru achos bod dad wedi cael ei anfon yma gan y Fyddin. O ni’n meddwl y baswn yn cael fy mwlio a dwi’n swil efo pobol newydd ond mi nes i ychydig o ffrindiau."
